I was born and raised in Southeastern PA. about twenty miles west of Philadelphia. In August of 1990 I accepted Jesus (or Yeshua as His name is in Hebrew) as my Savior and made Him the Lord of my life. In 1997 I met my wife Dayna. We were married in September of 1999. We have three children: Carina, Ranita and Josiah. I worked in the mental health field for seventeen years, and ten years in a group home for men with developmental disabilities. In May of 2006 I graduated from Evangelical Theological Seminary in Myerstown, PA. After being ordained, I was called to a congregation in Northwestern Illinois. In 2012 I was then called to the Hartville Church of he Brethren. I have a special place in my heart for people with disabilities and for the prison ministry. I enjoy hiking, biking, baseball and exploring the Jewish roots of our Christian faith.